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General terms and conditions of sale

EI Marion Ronfet - Accessoires-Figurines 81D route de St-Germain 63500 ISSOIRE - [email protected] - SIRET 878 836 808 00013
Conditions générales de vente des produits vendus sur Accessoires-Figurines
Date de dernière mise à jour 21/07/2023

Article 1 - Purpose

Les présentes conditions régissent les ventes faites par Accessoires-Figurines.

 Article 2 - Prices

The prices of our products are indicated in euros, all taxes included. In case of an order to a country other than metropolitan France, you are the importer of the product(s) concerned. Customs duties or other local taxes or import duties or state taxes may be payable. These duties and sums are not the responsibility of Accessoires-Figurines. They will be at your expense and are the sole responsibility of the buyer, both in terms of declarations and payments to the competent authorities and bodies in your country. We advise you to check with your local authorities about these aspects. All orders, regardless of their origin, are payable in euros. Accessories-figurines reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, but the product will be invoiced on the basis of the price list in effect at the time of validation of the order and subject to availability. The products remain the sole property of Accessoires-figurines until full payment of the price. Attention: as soon as you take physical possession of the ordered products, the risk of loss or damage to the products is transferred to you.

Article 3 - Orders

The contractual information is presented in French and will be confirmed at the latest when your order is validated. Machine translations into languages other than French are not authentic. Only the French version of the text is authentic. Accessories-figurines reserves the right not to record a payment, and not to confirm an order for any reason whatsoever, and more particularly in the event of a supply problem, or in the event of a difficulty concerning the order received.

In the event that an order is sent that does not correspond to the items ordered, a return form will be sent to you within 5 working days after the error is detected between the two parties. The shipment of new items in conformity with the order will be made upon receipt in the premises of accessories-figurines of the incorrect items.

Article 4-validation of your order

Any order appearing on the website accessoires-figurines.com implies acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. Any order confirmation implies your full and complete acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale, without exception or reservation. All the data provided and the recorded confirmation will be worth proof of the transaction.
You declare that you are fully aware of it. The order confirmation shall be deemed to be a signature and acceptance of the operations carried out. A summary of your order information will be sent to you via the e-mail address confirming your order.

Article 5-payment

Le fait de valider votre commande implique pour vous l'obligation de payer le prix indiqué. Le règlement de vos achats s'effectue par carte bancaire grâce au système sécurisé Stripe, Paypal ou par Virement bancaire.

Article 6-withdrawal

In accordance with the provisions of article L. 121-21 of the code of
Consumption, you have a withdrawal period of 14 days from the receipt of your products to exercise your right of withdrawal without having to justify any reasons or pay any penalty. Returns must be made in their original and complete condition (packaging, accessories, instructions). In this context, you are liable. Any damage suffered by the product on this occasion may be of such a nature as to defeat the right of withdrawal. You are responsible for the return shipping costs. In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal Accessories-figurines will refund the sums paid, within 14 days of notification of your request and via the same means of payment as the one used when ordering.

En vertu des dispositions de l'article L121-20-2 du code la consommation, les objets confectionnés selon les spécifications du consommateur ou personnalisés à la demande du client ne peuvent bénéficier du droit de rétractation, et ne seront ni repris ni échangés, hormis le cas de mise en jeu de la garantie des vices affectant l'objet vendu et ou sauf erreur de notre part ou personnalisation non conforme à la demande du client.


In accordance with the provisions of article L. 121-21-8 of the code of
Consumption, the right of withdrawal does not apply to:

  • The provision of services fully performed before the end of the withdrawal period and whose performance has begun after prior express consent of the consumer and express waiver of his right of withdrawal.
  • The supply of goods or services whose price depends on fluctuations on the financial market beyond the trader's control that may occur during the withdrawal period.
  • The supply of goods made to consumer specifications or clearly personalised.
  • The supply of goods that are likely to deteriorate or expire quickly.
  • The supply of goods which have been unsealed by the consumer after delivery and which cannot be returned for reasons of hygiene or health protection.
  • The supply of goods which, after having been delivered and by their nature, are inextricably mixed with other items
  • The supply of alcoholic beverages whose delivery is deferred beyond 30 days and whose value agreed at the conclusion of the contract depends on fluctuations on the market beyond the control of the trader.
  • The supply of audio or video recordings or computer software when they have been unsealed by the consumer after delivery.
  • The supply of a newspaper, periodical or magazine, except for subscription contracts for these publications.
  • Transactions concluded at a public auction.
  • The provision of digital content not provided on a material medium, the execution of which has begun after prior express consent of the consumer and express waiver of his right of withdrawal.


Article 7 - Availability

Our products are offered as long as they are visible on the accessories-figurines.com website and within the limits of available stocks. For products not in stock, our offers are valid subject to availability from our suppliers. In case of unavailability of the product after placing your order, we will inform you by email within a maximum of 15 working days. Your order will be automatically cancelled and no bank charges will be made. Otherwise a refund will be made.

Article 8 - Delivery

  • Delivery methods

Trois modes de livraison sont proposés, La Poste (envoi suivi), Colissimo ou Mondial Relay (livraison en point relais uniquement). Les produits sont livrés à l'adresse de livraison indiquée au cours du processus de commande dans le cas de La Poste et Colissimo, dans le délai indiqué sur la page de validation de la commande. Les produits sont livrés en point relais dans le point relais disponible le plus proche de l’adresse indiquée dans le cas de Mondial Relay, dans le délai indiqué sur la page de validation de la commande. En cas de retard d'expédition, un mail vous sera adressé pour vous informer d'une éventuelle conséquence sur le délai de livraison qui vous a été indiqué. Conformément aux dispositions légales, en cas de retard de livraison, vous bénéficiez de la possibilité d'annuler la commande dans les conditions et modalités définies à l'article L 138-2 du Code de la Consommation. Si entre temps vous recevez le produit nous procéderons à son remboursement et aux frais d'acheminement dans les conditions de l'article L 138-3 du Code de la Consommation. En cas de livraisons par un transporteur tiers, Accessoires-figurines ne peut être tenue pour responsable de retard de livraison dû exclusivement à une indisponibilité du client après plusieurs propositions de rendez-vous. En cas de non retrait de la marchandise en point relai ou bureau de poste par le destinataire, et du retour des marchandises automatique par les services suscités à Accessoires-Figurines, des frais de port seront facturés pour un second envoi.

  • Taxes and customs

Accessoires-Figurines ne sera pas tenu pour responsable des éventuels frais douaniers ou d’importation en cas de livraison en dehors de l'UE. Il tient à l'acheteur de se renseigner sur les conditions de retrait du colis dans le pays de destination. Le client s'engage alors à payer les éventuelles taxes d’importation et taxes douanière en cas de livraison hors Union Européenne. 

Article 9-guarantee

Tous nos produits bénéficient de la garantie légale de conformité et de la garantie des vices cachés, prévues par les articles 1641 et suivants du Code civil. En cas de non-conformité d'un produit vendu, il pourra être retourné, échangé ou remboursé. Toutes les réclamations, demandes d'échange ou de remboursement doivent s'effectuer par mail à l’adresse [email protected] dans le délai de 30 jours de la livraison. Les produits doivent nous être retournés dans l'état dans lequel vous les avez reçus avec l'ensemble des éléments (accessoires, emballage, notice...). Les frais d'envoi vous seront remboursés sur la base du tarif facturé et les frais de retour vous seront remboursés sur présentation des justificatifs. Les dispositions de cet Article ne vous empêchent pas de bénéficier du droit de rétractation prévu à l'article 6.

Article 10 - Liability

The products offered comply with current French legislation. The responsibility of Accessoires-Figurines cannot be held liable in the event of non-compliance with the legislation of the country where the product is delivered. It is your responsibility to check with local authorities about the possibilities of importing or using the products or services you plan to order. In addition, Accessoires-figurines cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from improper use of the purchased product. Finally, Accessoires-figurines cannot be held liable for any inconvenience or damage inherent to the use of the Internet network, in particular a service interruption, an external intrusion or the presence of computer viruses. 

Article 11 - Law applicable in the event of disputes

La langue du présent contrat est la langue française. Les présentes conditions de vente sont soumises à la loi française. En cas de litige, la compétence est attribuée aux tribunaux compétents de Clermont-Ferrand.

Article 12 - Intellectual property

Tous les éléments du site Accessoires-Figurines.com sont et restent la propriété intellectuelle et exclusive de Accessoires-Figurines. Nul n'est autorisé à reproduire, exploiter, rediffuser, ou utiliser à quelque titre que ce soit, même partiellement, des éléments du site qu'ils soient logiciels, visuels ou sonores. Tout lien simple ou par hypertexte est strictement interdit sans un accord écrit auprès de Accessoires-figurines.

Accessoires-Figurines holds INPI patents for the manufacture and sale of its models.

Article 13 - Personal data

Accessoires-figurines reserves the right to collect personal information and personal data concerning you. They are necessary to manage your order, as well as to improve the services and information we send you. This information and data is also stored for security purposes in order to comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition to the personally identifiable information and personal data concerning you, directly on the website. In accordance with the General data protection regulations

 Article 14 - Archiving

Accessoires-figurines will archive purchase orders and invoices on a reliable and durable medium constituting a true copy in accordance with the provisions of Article 1348 of the Civil Code. The computerized registers of Accessories-figures will be considered by all parties concerned as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the parties.

 Article 15 - Customisable items

When ordering customizable items via the downloading of images/logos/drawing on the items in question (supports 1/6, name plates, various bases), the buyer submits his files in image format (jpg or png). The submission of the files and the validation of the order engages the buyer on his responsibility as for the use of copyright of the submitted files. Accessoires-Figurines reserves the right to refuse files.